Books I Want to Read; Part #15

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  1. You’re You by Metto Bach
  2. George by Alex Gino (READ)
  3. Lily and Dunkin by Donna Gephart (READ)
  4. The Goldfish Boy by Lisa Thompson
  5. Words on Bathroom Walls by Julia Walton (READ)
  6. In Sight of Stars: A Novel by Gae Polisner
  7. I Stop Somewhere by T.E. Carter
  8. The Disturbed Girl’s Dictionary by Nonieqa Ramos
  9. When My Heart Joins the Thousand by A.J. Steiger (READ)
  10. Olivay by Deborah Reed
  11. Gorilla, My Love by Toni Cade Bambara
  12. The Sugar Mother by Elizabeth Jolley
  13. The Well by Elizabeth Jolley
  14. My Father’s Moon by Elizabeth Jolley
  15. Corregidora by Gayl Jones
  16. Eva’s Man by Gayl Jones
  17. Into the River by Ted Dawe
  18. I Kill Giants by Joe Kelly, illustrated by J.M. Ken Miimura
  19. The Things You Find in Rockpools by Gregg Dunnett
  20. The Refrigerator Monologues by Catherynne M. Valente, illustrated by Annie Wu
  21. Lock In: A Novel of the Near Future by John Scalzi
  22. Witch in the Lighthouse by Azalea Forrest
  23. Burro Genius: A Memoir by Victor Villasenor
  24. My Absolute Darling by Gabriel Tallent
  25. The Heart’s Invisible Furies : A Novel by John Boyne
  26. The Boy in the Striped Pajamas by John Boyne
  27. The Year of Ice by Brian Malloy
  28. The Boys on the Rock by John Fox
  29. Recent History: A Novel by Anthony Giardina
  30. A Boy’s Own Story: A Novel by Edmund White
  31. The Beautiful Room is Empty: A Novel by Edmund White
  32. The Farewell Symphony by Edmund White
  33. Numbers by John Rechy
  34. Please Don’t Go Before I Get Better by Madison Kuhn
  35. The Crimson Labyrinth by Yusuke Kishi
  36. Ring (Ring Series, Book 1) by Koji Suzuki
  37. The Punch Escrow by Tal M. Klein
  38. Hot Milk by Deborah Levy
  39. Imagine Me Gone by Adam Haslett
  40. The Birds of Opulence by Crystal Wilkinson
  41. Where All the Light Tends to Go by David Joy
  42. Autism in Heels: The Untold Story of a Female Life on the Spectrum by Jennifer O’Toole
  43. My Autistic Awakening: Unlocking the Potential for a Life Well Lived by Rachael Lee Harris
  44. Atypical: Life With Asperger’s in 20 1/3 Chapters by Jesse A. Saperstein
  45. My Lovely Wife in  the Psych Ward: A Memoir by Mark Lukach
  46. This Close to Happy: A Reckoning With Depression by Daphne Merkin
  47. An Unquiet Mind: A Memoir of Moods and Madness by Kay Redfield Jamison
  48. The Center Cannot Hold: My Journey Through Madness by Elyn R. Saks
  49. Divided Minds: Twin Sisters and Their Journey Through Schizophrenia by Pamela Spiro Wagner and Carolyn Spiro
  50. Passing for Normal: A Memoir of Compulsion by Amy S. Wilensky
  51. Skin Game: A Memoir by Caroline Kettlewell
  52. Darkness Visible: A Memoir of Madness by William Styron

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