New Years Resolutions (2021)

Here's how to crack your New Year's resolutions | Life and style | The  Guardian
  1. Read at least 100 books
  2. Write at least 2 Manuscripts
  3. Lose some weight
  4. Go on more walks
  5. Get the dog more exercise
  6. Keep trying to get published
  7. Start learning another language
  8. Don’t buy any books (except on Kindle)
  9. Keep up with Reviews
  10. Move out
  11. Start working again
  12. Save up some $
  13. Read more classics
  14. Read some of the longer books on my TBR list
  15. Get in touch w/ old friends
  16. Start regularly writing movie reviews again
  17. Catch up on some of the films I’ve been wanting to see
  18. Write every day
  19. Write a few short stories
  20. Post on blog every day

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