New Years Resolutions (2021)

Here's how to crack your New Year's resolutions | Life and style | The  Guardian
  1. Read at least 100 books
  2. Write at least 2 Manuscripts
  3. Lose some weight
  4. Go on more walks
  5. Get the dog more exercise
  6. Keep trying to get published
  7. Start learning another language
  8. Don’t buy any books (except on Kindle)
  9. Keep up with Reviews
  10. Move out
  11. Start working again
  12. Save up some $
  13. Read more classics
  14. Read some of the longer books on my TBR list
  15. Get in touch w/ old friends
  16. Start regularly writing movie reviews again
  17. Catch up on some of the films I’ve been wanting to see
  18. Write every day
  19. Write a few short stories
  20. Post on blog every day

Things I Want to do This Year

Even though it’s not New Year’s so it’s not the traditional time to make resolutions you might or might not follow through with, my 14-year-old sister made a list of goals for the rest of this year and I decided to follow suite. I wrote them in my journal, but I thought I’d share them with my readers in case anybody was interested or wanted to do something similar.

  1. Read at least 50 books (I’ve already read 11.)
  2. Write at least three manuscripts.
  3. Blog every day or every other day
  4. Watch at least 50 movies
  5. Lose some more weight.
  6. Read some short stories.
  7. Get a job.
  8. Take a few college courses.
  9. Write some short stories.
  10. Finish editing my second manuscript (working title Fantastic Feats of Self Destruction) and send it to a couple of publishing companies.


I’m probably going to send my novel to independent publishing houses in the fall, so editing is one of the most important things to me right now. I’m trying to find beta readers but I can’t seem to think of many people that will just drop everything to read a 350-page unpublished manuscript. Anyway, I feel really good about this manuscript and I’m going to send it to five or six different publishing companies and see if any of them are interested. I’m hoping to accomplish all ten of these by the end of the year, it helps for me to set goals for myself.



Writing Update #6

I’ve decided I want to write five more manuscripts this year. That way I’ll have written ten manuscripts total (including the one I wrote about two years ago,) and I’ll have a nice even number of completed works. I have a file on my computer dedicated to story ideas, and I thought I’d share a few of my favorites that I’ve written down so far with my readers.


  1. Disabled teen’s parents are planning to murder them, kind of like “Stuck in Neutral” by Terry Trueman but instead of Cerebral Palsy the kid is severely autistic.


2. Woman’s husband is accused of sexual misconduct with children, and she is repeatedly harassed because she ‘must have known’ what he was doing.


3. POV of the younger sibling of a school shooter coping with the stigma of having an older brother who did that and dealing with the devastation he caused.


4. The (possibly) well-intentioned main character (probably male)  finds out their favorite celebrity/public figure was molested as a child, through the person’s candid interview about surviving abuse. Taking it a little too personally and suffering from a pretty serious case of white knight syndrome, the fan decides to find the now-very-elderly but still living perpetrator and avenge their incredibly pure and undeserving favorite celeb’s lost childhood.


5. What if a woman tried to kill her son because he walked in on the mom having an affair and the mom was scared of violent retribution from her husband if the child told? I think the kid would be thirteen and it might be narrated by him in a coma, floating between dreams and real life, trying to escape from his coma and rejoin the real world. The little boy  would have an annoying younger brother who follows him everywhere, and the brother becomes increasingly cognizant of what actually happened and might be in danger too.


So I have eight months to write five manuscripts. It’s not going to be easy, but I like to push myself when it comes to writing (I’m a slacker when it comes to everything else.) Even if I just write three or four manuscripts this year I’d be happy, I don’t need to meet my goal exactly. What are your writing goals this year? 🙂


Writing Update: Resolutions

No, I know it’s not New Years, but my 24th birthday is coming in three months, so I’ve decided to set some goals for myself in the meantime. In the next three months I want to write at least two manuscripts, preferably three, and I want to read at least five novels. I’m also going to try to watch movies semi-consistently and post on this blog at least every other day. I’ve recently started two manuscripts; one is from the point-of-view of an eight-year-old boy who’s mother takes him and escapes from an abusive relationship, I wrote a sample chapter which you can read HERE but I haven’t gotten any further. The other features the main character from a manuscript I wrote, Warren Cowell, but it’s from the point of view of his ex-lover Joseph, it’s kind of a prequel, I guess, I haven’t quite figured out the details yet. I’ve written a sample chapter for that one and I’ve started chapter two, but I haven’t posted any of them. I have written some excerpts from Joseph’s perspective separate from this project that I have posted on this blog, and I might end up adding them to the manuscript. So that’s my plan-


Write two or three manuscripts

Read five books

Post on this blog once a day or once every two days

Thanks for reading!